Booking is simple, we'll help you through every step: Submit the details of your event, confirm your date and details over the phone, and then pay using any major credit card. We take payment in full to finalize your booking and will walk through all of the details before taking payment.
What are your in-person petting zoo offerings for libraries?
Our Interactive Storytime Program events are perfect for libraries looking to provide fun, engaging and educational content for their guests. We offer several different packages to accommodate all your needs from storytime presenters, crowd management, and even commemorative bookmark tickets.
What are your in-person petting zoo offerings for schools?
In 30 minute programs, we bring your science and biology curriculum to life! Our classroom and after school programs were designed by a certified teacher. We offer three different curriculums aligned with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) focused on the age of your students.
We provide traveling event-based services out of East Austin. We don't have a storefront/physical location that can be visited, we travel to and set up at your location of choice in the Central Texas area.
What makes Tiny Tails to You in-person petting zoos different?
We have a unique, organized, and safe setup where children sit comfortably on one of our stools with a mat on their lap. Guests get to hold and snuggle our animals in a calm and controlled environment where the focus is on the safety of the animals.
Yes, our staff appreciate gratuity. We split them among all the staff members that worked your event. At the end of your event you will be handed a quick digital feedback survey from our staff, you can include a tip amount in that survey and we will invoice you after the event.
We arrive at least 15 minutes earlier than our start time, to setup and be ready for you and your guests. Your experience runs for the entire duration of time that you have ordered. Once your time is complete, we pack up quickly and leave no trace behind.
We can accommodate almost anywhere! Indoor events are setup with a clean floor covering (we leave no trace behind). Outside events do require shade. The shade from a large tree works well. If shade cannot be provided, we offer a shade canopy upgrade for $50.
What time should we schedule our in-person petting zoo experience?
We recommend you schedule our start time for after most of your guests have arrived and your event is in full swing! This ensures all latecomer guests have plenty of time with the animals.
Yes, we carry several types of insurance. We are also licensed by the US Department of Agriculture. This license means our animals are certified as healthy and happy by a licensed government inspector.
What if the weather's bad on the day of our outdoor event?
We can do your event rain or shine! We will need to bring the event indoors (unless accommodations below are provided) if it begins raining or the temperature at the event location goes below 55℉ or above 100℉ (according to We recommend moving indoors in over 90 degree temperatures.
What types of events can have a petting zoo delivery?
Our petting zoo is perfect for any occasion! From birthday parties to office parties, pet therapy events, school programs, and even just post-brunch relaxing, we customize our services to fit any event.
We travel throughout Central Texas for a fee based on location of the event. For in-person events you can choose to upgrade your experience, add additional animals or services like glitter tattoos. You can also choose to add a canopy for $50 (shade is mandatory for our animals).
How do I convince my spouse to have a Tiny Tails to You petting zoo for our in-person party?
We know that sometimes it takes a little convincing to have animals in your backyard or living room!
If showing your partner cute pictures of bunnies and hedgehogs and baby chicks still isn’t doing the trick, send him or her some of our great reviews from Yelp!
All of our animals are snuggly, lap-sized animals! We have bunnies, hedgehogs, chicks, blue-tongued skinks, chinchillas, tortoises, guinea pigs, miniature chickens, and bearded dragons.
Booking is easy: Let us know a few basic event details and schedule a booking call on our website. We'll book your custom event and take credit card payment over the phone.
We provide everything for safe, organized, and fun experiences! Staff members stay with you at all times to help with the proper handling of the animals and to answer any questions you may have.
Our animals are a zany and fun bunch of guys and gals. Get to know some of our wild hedgehogs, playful bunnies, ridiculous miniature chickens, and goofy guinea pigs!
Our animals are a zany and fun bunch of guys and gals. Get to know some of our wild hedgehogs, playful bunnies, ridiculous miniature chickens, and goofy guinea pigs!
Adults, college students, and businesses across Central Texas have seen how a Tiny Tails to You “Hoppy” Hour is a great way to unwind and relax with some cute and snuggly bunnies and their friends.
We love socializing our animals with friends! Leave the work to us. We make it easy to schedule and get to meet some animals! Our in-person events are exclusive to Central Texas.