Meet Sally
When did you start at Tiny Tails to You?
June 2020
Who is your favorite Tiny Tails to You animal and why?
Oh, my goodness. Seriously?! How can I pick one favorite? The silkie chickens always make me laugh, the bunnies always make me want to cuddle, and the bearded dragons are just so cool! But if I must choose one favorite, I would have to say the hedgehogs (particularly Hogg the Bounty Hunter). There are so many things that make hedgies unique, and they are super curious, reminding me to explore my world like a brave hedgehog! And, c’mon, they are super heroes who can eat small snakes and scorpions since they are largely immune to the venom, how amazing is that?!

What is your favorite non-Tiny Tails animal and why?
I really love dogs and horses. I grew up with both, and have many fond memories of time with these smart and loyal animals. My dog Rahne Wolfsbane Destroyer of Socks is my favorite animal in the world.
What's your favorite part about working at Tiny Tails to You?
The Tiny Tails to You Team is one of the best things about doing this work! I also really enjoy seeing faces light up, hearing giggles and exclamations of wonder when a group meets our animals!

What's your life mantra (if you have one)?
"Why be normal?"
What are some of your hobbies?
I love to read, sing and play my guitar and ukulele, and swim! Check out some of my orignals songs for Tiny Tails in the videos below!
Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Austin?
I was born and raised right here in Austin, Texas! So, I have been here for— hey, hold on, I am not going to give away my age!
What is your favorite thing to do in Austin?
Finding uncrowded outdoor spaces! There are so many great trails and parks in and around Austin.
What are you passionate about right now, outside of your work at Tiny Tails to You?
I have an intense passion for making music, and believe that song and dance can heal the world!